Teeming and Brimming with Magic

“It was long since I had longed for anything and the effect on me was horrible.” ~ Samuel Beckett

“After the keen still days of September, the October sun filled the world with mellow warmth…The maple tree in front of the doorstep burned like a gigantic red torch. The oaks along the roadway glowed yellow and bronze. The fields stretched like a carpet of jewels, emerald and topaz and garnet. Everywhere she walked the color shouted and sang around her…In October any wonderful unexpected thing might be possible.” ~ Elizabeth George Speare

“For London, Blampied claimed, was of all cities in the world the most autumnal —its mellow brickwork harmonizing with fallen leaves and October sunsets, just as the etched grays of November composed themselves with the light and shade of Portland stone. There was a charm, a deathless charm, about a city whose inhabitants went about muttering, “The nights are drawing in,” as if it were a spell to invoke the vast, sprawling creature-comfort of winter.” ~ James Hilton

It’s been a long weekend, in a good sort of way. I woke up yesterday morning with the distinct notion that it was Monday, thus time to take the trash bin out to the road for pick up. I soon snapped that it was indeed Sunday, but I left the bin where I’d put it. So today, on real Monday, I am tasked with laundry, the need for doing it having reached the tipping point. Lucky me. I’ll make a day of it for about two hours. That’s a long enough day for me. I’m rather still in Dreamtime with the Moon. Clunky sentence, I know. That’s why it is called practice and play. I spent the weekend listening to coyotes in the night, along with Hecate, who seemed to be meandering in the neighborhood by the light of the Hunter’s Moon. Hecate will be a good companion for me in the coming days. Brujas are afoot in the land, or at least in my neck of the woods. Hecate and Cougar – yeah, I’m all good. My world, as perceived by yours truly, has been fairly teeming and brimming with Magic these days. I’m okay with that and doing laundry at the same time. It’s been done before and it needs to be done again. Onward.

Peace out, y’all. Goof gloriously.

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